An imaginative universal world built, governed, and populated only robots and androids.
The fictional ‘Ibot‘ world series was created as a result and a political structure has been introduced by concealing them as various residential settlement types such as the city life and the suburban life.
An illustration where I am building my own imaginative world where the theme is futuristic but I have kept historical and modern aspects to the architecture.

The City

The Suburbs

One of the residences
Meet the Citizens!
Here are some of the citizens from iBot.
A creation from two different fictional robot class types that have their own unique traits such as a character created called ‘Twinkle Toes’.
‘Whistlecrank’, a robot with a huge contrast in appearance and personality to Twinkle Toes.
'Zizi' is a fusion of the two characters. Zizi is unique.
Lastly, I call the last iBot, 'Bowtie' because it is a player and has a habit of staying out at all hours.

Character Designs Sheet 01.

Twinkle toes is a happy-go-lucky life loving robot who is flamboyant in personality. It has no specific gender and has a flamboyant trait which is reflected within the exterior and interior appearance of Twinkle toes. Twinkle toes owns a flower shop called ‘Twinkle Tinkle’, it is a two storey building. ‘Twinkle Tinkle’ is incredibly popular in the city due to lack of organic life matter.

Zizi Koutore is a fashion designer and has an eccentric personality. He has its own unique fashion studio which is floating and can travel to any location he desires. Also this helps him be inspired. Zizi can be sassy when customers insults its design and won't hesitate to toss you out of the studio.

Character Design of Whistlecrank
Whistlecrank lives in the suburbs and runs an energy farm. He runs its own fuel station and has its own special blend of fuel. He also has a special daily workout routine to keep its joints fully functional and mobile. Crankie is also very flexible and an excellent dancer.

Character Design of Bowtie
Tony, based on Iron Man's Tony Stark, loves to party, chilling, shop, sleep and hit on other female robots in the process. Despite so, he is charitable when it is called for. He has a deep interest in archaeology which is not well known.