Proposed Office Design 03
The 3d modelling is purely conceptual and it is not the final design. It was visualised to show the design, spatial area & open office design. The materials selected are all environmentally friendly and green.
To summarise, The Foreign Language Bookstore was a freelance project. The concept of the bookstore was to have dual function that functions as a language centre and also a bookstore. Other commodities include a coffee store and merchandise. However, in this project, I have focused on the office level of the store. The space is divided into open work space, semi public - private space, open meeting space, private meeting space, pantry and outdoor green space (outdoor green space has not changed).
This is in the early design stages before approval and subject to more changes.

Open walkway into open workspace, Left is open discussion area, right is open workspace. Further back is the meeting rooms and common area for free work style or reading.

Open walkway into Open workspace, Left is private meeting room, right is common area for free work style or reading. Further is open workspace on the left and open discussion area on the right. Further back is waiting area and reception.

Private meeting rooms with tinted glass panel. Glass can be used to be written on with whiteboard marker pen and erasable as well.

Open workspace 01

Open Workspace 02

Open workspace 03, blue tinted board for presentation, projection or writing.

Common area for free work style or reading, also functions as casual discussion space for meetings.

Open discussion area for meetings with blue tinted glass board for writing, presentation and etc.

Perspective of closed meeting rooms.
- [End of proposed design. Design concepts were submitted for final inspection and submit to changes] -